I'm a little late posting this one - three days to be precise - but am going ahead with it, and using the original publish date. My excuse? I was out of town without access to wifi.

It was exactly one year ago when these nefarious people came along and
cut down the elm trees growing near our little house in the hinterland of eastern Nevada.

I was annoyed and saddened by this at the time, and
blogged briefly about it last spring, when I showed what the now barren wall looked like in the before state.

It still looks barren out there to me.
Sorry about the elm trees. Were they worried about Dutch Elm Disease, or the electrical wires. I remember some of the fine looking trees in your town from my UNR days.
They were Chinese elms, which I don't think get the Dutch Elm Disease. Supposedly they were infested with beetles, which were a nuisance to a nearby historical village. We've had beetles, and we possibly have fewer now that the older, bigger trees are gone, but we still had some inside the house this year. The leaves do look chewed by the end of summer, but are still green. Also, the trees were considered a nuisance because lower limbs sometimes scraped taller vehicles like my truck - the city would trim those branches if you called them. The absence of trees supposedly allows the historical village's Xmas display to be seen from the main part of town. (I find that last reasoning the most irritating - not really a good cause for tree cutting, imo.)
It is always a shame to loose mature trees. Looks like a case of problems with wires to me. So what's a few bugs. Wonder if the trees were historic and should be replanted.
In the link, one person said the trees were there in 1945, at least. I think the real reason was for the Xmas thing: they wanted their lights to be visible. Wires weren't mentioned as a problem, and only one actually crossed through the trees, low where branches could have been cut (a lot less work than one day of several people's time). Oh well, they are gone now!
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