Wednesday, January 6, 2010

There and Back Again: A Meeting with Hgg

I was fortunate enough recently (yesterday, to be precise) to take a little roadtrip and meet up with hgg of the hgg blog (formerly known as hypoglycemiagirl) - or @DrHgg, as she is also known. She was traveling with family, on her way between a northern prairie location and a southwestern inland location; we met somewhere in the middle, near a Starbucks. These are a few pictures, mostly of the roadtrip, and also of our boots.
On the way there: the sun is barely up near Wheeler Peak - in fact, the craggy knob on the right *is* Wheeler Peak.
On the way there: the sunrise, with Utah making up most of the photo. Colors included an amazingly deep yellow and a turquoise that the camera wouldn't quite reproduce.
On the way there: a snow-covered valley with some distant ice-fog. I know it's ice fog, because much of my travel was through areas where bushes, small trees, and fence wires were covered with sparkly crystals of frosty ice. In Nevada, the ice fog is known as Pogonip.
Here we are: two pairs of boots, on two bloggers! We met at a Starbucks, then went to lunch at a very nice Italian restaurant. We had a great time, some good food, and excellent coffee (at the restuarant, where the doppio beat out the Americano from Starbucks). Certain non-drivers were seen having wine with lunch. I wasn't in the non-driver category.
On the way back: fog was still hanging around in a few valleys - not frozen fog, but fog that was getting ready to freeze up for the night.
On the way back: two large, dark hawks were sitting on snow a yard or two off the edge of the road. It looked like they were just sitting there having a chat like bloggers, or bedding down like deer. Both flew off when I stopped to get a better look.
On the way back: the sun sets somewhere in the west.


Cath@VWXYNot? said...

I love blogger meet-ups. Sounds like you two had a good one!

Silver Fox said...

It really was fun! I only wish it could have been a little longer, but 'twas not to be.

Gaelyn said...

How fun to meet up with a fellow blogger. Love the scenery, even if it looks cold.

Silver Fox said...

Ha ha - it *was* cold! The sunrise was amazing.

hgg said...

It was short but good. We both travelled a long way to meet!

Silver Fox said...

Hmm... I think you get the award for travel!