As alluded to in an earlier Lone Mountain post, GEOLEX indicates that the Eureka Quartzite does not have a type locality. It was first named by Hague in 1883 for exposures within 50 miles of Eureka, and was further defined and described by him in 1892. In 1933, Kirk proposed that the section at Lone Mountain be recognized as the type locality, because exposures near Eureka are inadequate or incomplete. Nolan and others (1956) described the quartzite as "everywhere thoroughly fractured or brecciated because of extensive faulting; and in many places it has been recrystallized as a result of mineralizing solution." The USGS accepted Lone Mountain as the new type locality (Nolan et al, 1956), and now the Lone Mountain section is generally used as a defacto type section, or, as GEOLEX states, a "standard section."

Some References:
Hague, Arnold, 1883, Abstract of report on the geology of the Eureka district, Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey, 3rd Annual Report of the Director, pp. 237-290, plates 24, 25.
Hague, Arnold, 1892, Geology of the Eureka district, Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Monograph 20.
Iddings, J. P., 1919, Biographical Memoir of Arnold Hague, 1840-1917: National Academy of Sciences Biographical Memoirs, Part of Volume IX.
Kirk, Edwin, 1933, The Eureka quartzite of the Great Basin region: Am. Jour. Sci, 5th ser. v. 26, p. 27-44.
Nolan, T. B., Merriam, C. W., and Williams, J. S., 1956, The Stratigraphic Section in the Vicinity of Eureka, Nevada: Revision of the pre- Tertiary stratigraphy of east-central Nevada: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 276, 77 pages.
Eureka Quartzite and Lone Mountain Posts:
- Eureka! It's Lone Mountain!
- Lone Mountain: Intro to Stratigraphy
- Lone Mountain: Stratigraphy in Brief
- Tweeting the Eureka Quartzite
- The Eureka Quartzite at Lone Mountain (this post)
- The Eureka Quartzite on Squaw Peak
Considerably more geological references can be found throughout the earlier posts.
You bring back vivid memories of the day(!) trip we took to Lone Mountain in 1984 from UN Reno for the paleontology class. A long, long day, but collecting the Paleozoic critters was fun.
That Quartzite is very nice for sure, but my favorite Lone Mountain is the big one outside of Tonopah.
Also, did you know that some have speculated that the Lone Mtn barely outside of Vegas is part of a huge landslide?
Garry, all the UNR field trips were great! Fond memories.
Kyle, I was thinking there were three Lone Mountains in Nevada, wasn't sure about the one near Tonopah, and didn't look it up. It's a very different Lone Mountain than the one above - and perhaps is my favorite also, just because it seems to be a core complex. I haven't spent as much time in the Tonopah one, however. Several days at the Eureka one.
I've driven by the Lone Mountain outside Vegas, have never stopped, didin't know it might be part of a landslide.
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