The inside of my truck on the morning of March 25th: I'm all packed and ready to go, but I haven't yet shoveled the snow off the truck and scraped the windshield. The clock reads 6:45 am: Ack, I'm late!

Light from my headlights illuminate the untracked snow of the driveway and street in front of me. (Yay for 4WD!)

I attempt to get a photo showing the snow falling in one of those starburst patterns, like
this one that someone linked to recently (was that you, Dana?).

Illuminated snow ruts on the main road, which hasn't yet, at 6:53 am, been plowed.

A street light glows through the falling snow and my spotted windshield.

The old schoolhouse at
Lane City almost blends into the snow-covered sagebrush.

I never saw a single snow plow once that morning!
Damn, what happened to spring? Guess your March went out like a lion.
I hate driving in that stuff, but da-yamn, is it pretty! Especially love the lamp. That's artistic, that is!
(Wasn't the one who linked to the starburst of snow, but I'm glad you did! That was neat, too!)
March went out rather lionish, April so far is kind of lambish or somewhere between lion and lamb... with cold mornings, the occassional passing snow shower, and irregular sun v. clouds.
The light in the morning fascinates me; sometimes I can catch a neat photo, most times there is too much of the city with the lights and I don't post those.
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