Saturday, January 28, 2012

Can You Believe We Are Still Doing This?!

No, not blogging...

...attending the annual Consultants and Independents Hospitality Suite at the Northwest Mining Convention. Apparently the first one was in 1986. Yes, those are 26 X's. Count 'em. A couple independent or consulting geologists started this bash back in 1986, to show that you didn't have to be big to throw a great party. Previously, the big parties had always been thrown every year by the famous, now defunct, S&D.

I don't have a full set of the mugs. Darn it!

The NWMA holds its convention the first week of December every year, and already has the announcement up for the 2012 meeting. The meeting site location alternates between Reno and Spokane. The next one will be in Spokane.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to go off on a tangent, but...Is that your desk? What's that cool-looking rock in the foreground?


Silver Fox said...

Tangent noted. The rock is an altered Kspar-plag+/-qtz porphyry, with weakly disseminated pyrite and a quartz veinlet cutting across it. I'm not quite sure where I picked it up.

It's on the top of a little bookcase. (I have miscellaneous rocks lying around almost everywhere!)

Anonymous said...

Ah. Guess I should have figured you'd have a "hard" rock on your bookcase. I had a fanciful idea that it might a pisolith and intraclast (white) lime rudstone or floatstone in a brown, mud matrix. Shows you how my mind works!


Silver Fox said...

I'm sure I have a "soft" rock or two lying around, somewhere...