The folds are entirely within an upper Miocene unit mapped by Wallace (1993) as Trpy — younger rhyolite porphyry — which consists of rhyolite and rhyodacite flows and domes.
By the way, I finally figured out how to download useable geologic maps from the USGS website. Here's the map. After downloading, or right-clicking and "Save Target As", one then needs to go here, go to downloads-viewers, and download/install the ExpressView Browser Plug-in (MrSID) for Windows. After installation, then just double-click, or right-click and "Open", the downloaded, saved map file, which has a .sid extension. The map then opens automatically in a useable page in your browser (IE or Firefox). This is so much easier than the old way, when one had to use the command line to open the saved maps. So, ignore these instructions listed as "Help in using this map" on the linked-to USGS map page. Although the instructions might be useful for some purposes, they are unnecessary for making a GEOtiff, tiff, jpg, gif, png, or bmp of a map or some portion thereof. The toolbar that comes with the viewer is a bit obscure; one does some things by right-clicking on tiny icons in the upper left and upper right corners. Saving is accomplished by right-clicking almost anywhere, which brings up options for printing, saving, and other useful items.
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The main part of the hills, with some nice folds on the right. |
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A closer view of those folds. |

First photo, above, is from late spring; photo below is from mid-summer. The cheat grass is partly green and purplish brown in the first photo; everything has turned straw-colored in the second.

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Antelope in early June. |

View Midas Area in a larger map
Selected Reference:
Wallace, A.R., 1993, Geologic map of the Snowstorm Mountains and vicinity, Elko and Humboldt Counties, Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-2394, scale 1:50000.
Making my weekly or so visit to the great Neavada blogger. Nice write up and giving away secrets of USGS maps as well.
Thanks, Dan. :)
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