Looking For Detachment: First Walk of the New Year

Sunday, January 1, 2012

First Walk of the New Year

I went on my first walk of the year earlier today, out along a creek in Anchorage, AK.
That's about 24 inches of snow on the ground, although the total snowfall for the season has been much higher than that.
Photos were taken at about 10:30 Alaska time, about 15 minutes after sunrise.

And more trees.

Did I mention that it was a short walk?


Chris R said...

Brrr! But thanks for venturing out to take those fantastic photos!

Nina F said...

Lovely! Glad it was a short walk - I was getting cold!

Garry Hayes said...

Made me shiver just looking at the ice

Hollis said...

beautiful trees with snow!! I wish we would get some more.

Gaelyn said...

Gorgeous, but Way too cold.

Silver Fox said...

Low this morning: -14.8 F. No walk!