I missed this retrospective meme last year, but here it is, back again, as
per DrugMonkey:
The rules for this blog meme are quite simple.
-Post the link and first sentence from the first blog entry for each month of the past year.
I originally did this meme, after seeing similar posted by Janet Stemwedel and John Lynch. Prior editions include 2011, 2010, 2009 and 2008.
Previous takes on this Twelve Month meme at LFD were posted for
2009, and
2010. As usual for LFD, I've also added the accompanying first photo of the month, where there was one with the first post of the month.
I went on my first walk of the year earlier today, out along a creek in Anchorage, AK.
I thought I'd back up to a time a week before our stop at The Geographic Center of Nevada, a time just prior to our soak at Spencer Hot Springs.
Upon getting out of the truck at the north end of the Monitor Valley playa, it became rapidly clear to me that it was very cold.
I thought I'd actually have time over my 5-day break to get caught up on some blogging, but that hasn't been the case, and things aren't looking all that great for the coming 8- or 9-day work week and the break following that, so I'm posting a few views from the new area.
Just a quick post showing a photo I took about two weeks ago at 5:50 am, on my early morning ride to work.
Yesterday I received an email while at work telling me that there was a hummingbird moth in one of our two pots of chocolate mint, which are sitting outside on the front porch.
These stitched photos were taken about three weeks ago near the site of Preble (just off the map to the west).
These relatively small pinnacles are located in the canyon of Midas Creek, just north of the town of Midas, Nevada.
Besides the obvious greenish feldspar, the countertop rock is composed of black pyroxene, gray metallic minerals (magnetite or ilmenite are likely, but I didn't bring my magnet, magnetometer, or portable xrf), and pyrite.
In the morning after I wake up—while I'm drinking my first, second, and maybe third cup of coffee—I often think of things to write for the blog, how to write them, maybe even what pictures to use.
I got to thinking after taking another looking at my arc photos, that this shot may show a weak tangent arc above the also weak 22 degree halo around the sun.
We came in from the east or north, depending on how you view the direction of I-80 as it traverses the entire north-south length of the west flank of the Humboldt Range from Florida Canyon to Limerick Canyon northeast of Lovelock.
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