The way I look at my schedule, today was Monday for me. Then, depending on how many days I work in a row - usually from 10 to 20 - I will have a long string of Tuesdays, followed by one Wednesday or "hump day," after which I'll have a long string of Thursdays, finally followed by one Friday. Tomorrow is Tuesday. For MOH, because he works a "Super Seven" schedule (popular at many mines), tomorrow is Friday for him, and Saturday will be his next Monday.
You keep track? I just have a "God it's hot" day, followed by a few "This is killing me" days, followed by one or two, "I'm getting the hang of this" days, and then I'm in the groove for an endless amount of time, until all of a sudden I get back to camp and my replacement is there.
Well, I don't completely keep track that way by knowing when the middle of my stint is, but the geotechs at the office are often saying "It's MY Friday," on any day of the week, because they have a strange schedule, or one known only to them.
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