Why would it be so high? I'm sure I failed at the browser and computer operating system questions. And I don't spend *that* much time on the computer (yeah, sure). And I actually have a few friends!
Back in the day, only really geeky guys were nerds. They were thin, had exceptionally thick, heavy glasses, and wore pin-striped shirts and suspenders when those clothes were so not in that you couldn't hardly find them. And only guys were nerds, back then. That was back before there were any geeks, or at least nobody knew about geeks because the word wasn't in then-current usage, though supposedly it's history dates back to Shakespeare. It wasn't cool, back then, to be a nerd. And it has never been cool, as far as I know, to be a dork. Dork, apparently, is a word derived from dick, as in the derogatory sense of that term. Maybe dork is in now?
Why post this? Because it's part of being nerdy? Because I am waiting for my Friday to come along and haven't uploaded any good photos recently?
I've always considered myself as a wonk rather than a nerd.
I scored 91 on the nerd test.
What's a wonk? I'm probably not nerdy enough to know that word.
GeoJoe - 91 is the lowest number I've seen so far. I think the test must be rigged for geos or something. All numbers over 90 (maybe no one below 90 takes the test or reports the number - we'll never get a true reading if that's the case).
I heard that dork is the term for a whale's penis.
The breakdown that I am aware of (wow, social stratification of brainy-types) from my HS days, and seems to still hold true:
Being a geek is cool, a nerd less so, a dork not at all.
Geeks are socially acceptable, they just know a lot of minutiae.
Nerds are more socially awkward, but still contain the braincells.
A Dork is socially awkward, and generally only knows useless info, like the Klingon language.
97 here...
And I wonder why I can run so damned fast...
Wonk: a person preoccupied with arcane details or procedures in a specialized field
57%. I think I lost points for not knowing my GPA (foreign concept in the UK), amount of RAM or IP address. Plus I had to admit to using Explorer (I'm at work and don't have the choice!).
I got 98% (Nerd god/godess) and Dinochick got the test from my blog origionally.
Nice blog by the way.
So far, of the blogs and comments I've seen, Cath has the lowest score and DinoGal has the highest. Great going, everyone! If someone would please just create a table or graph for the geoblogosphere and readers thereof, then we can study this phenomenon and understand it more fully. Or maybe a scatter plot...
DinoGal, thanks! Nice dino-palaeo blog you have, and also your other website -I've added your blog to my sidebar.
I saw the quiz first at Outside the Interzone, who saw it first at ...
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