Looking through a culvert on a recent hike.
I'm in the midst of starting a new consulting job (after an enjoyable to cabin-feverish three month hiatus), so I have - at least for the moment - ceased updating the earthquake and tsunami links post I started last week when I had more time and before I knew how many, many posts the geoblogosphere could write about essentially one subject in six days. As noted in an update to my links post, continuing information (along with a lot of other geology and geoscience) can be found at Chris Rowan's AllGeo Feed, Ron Schott's GeoPicks, and GeoBulletin: News from the Geoblogosphere.
If only I could fathom the photo!
Nice photo, as always.
Lucy, just a dark culvert with light at the end (and a plastic water bottle in the middle!). :)
Thanks, Kea!
Yeah you got a job. Yahoo!!
Yay! :)
I hope your new consulting job goes well. I did appreciate you keeping us up to date with all those posts about the Japanese earthquake.
Belated congrats on the new job!
Thanks, Cath! :)
So far it's a typical job: work, more work, even more work, Dilbert to read and experience, hectic sometimes, straightforward other times, rarely but sometimes dull, the occassional unexpected meeting, computer failures and successes, lots of mud, snow and rain, sunshine, all the usual characters (who are they, anyway?), and the politics that go with any job (I mean, show me a job without politics!) -- and the rocks are stable, never talk back, usually interesting (if not always), and always there. :)
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