Looking For Detachment: Detachment News: A New Book Series

Monday, April 28, 2008

Detachment News: A New Book Series

I might have to look into this book, written by geologist Susan Cummins Miller, and the rest of her fiction series involving a geologist protagonist and some geological and desert settings.

Frankie MacFarlane Mysteries


Garry Hayes said...

I have rather enjoyed the series, both for the geologist insider stuff, and for the locations, which definitely remind me of my days in Nevada, but also the Mojave and even UC Riverside (since my brother went there). Have you read the Sarah Andrews series?

Silver Fox said...

I have read some of Sarah Andrew's books - even got a signed copy from her once at GSN. Recently, though, I haven't kept up with the series - will have to get back into those, also. I would be interesting at this point to see how her main character is doing!