Looking For Detachment: A Recent Hike

Monday, April 28, 2008

A Recent Hike

Up the hill on a recent hike, besides seeing some great views, I ran across a few wildflowers, and lo and behold, the penstemons I mentioned a week ago or so turned out to be Astragalus species, more commonly known as locoweed. This one might be A. utahensis, A. purshii, or A. humilumus, or possibly some other one - there are millions (hundreds?). In any case, these purple flowers are pretty, and are growing rapidly.

Among other wildflowers, I also spotted these yellow flowers, which I think are Physaria species, sometimes known as twinpod or bladderpod, and this one might be P. fendleri, but maybe another, similar bladderpod.

I've been having a hard time finding links to Nevada wildflowers, and so have been relying on this book, which has the basics, and online links to wildflowers of the southwest and of Colorado, for example this site.

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