Looking For Detachment: Reptilian Badges

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Reptilian Badges

A couple other geobloggers have noted recently that their blogs are on the Regator blog directory. Apparently, my LFD blog has been listed there since March 16th of this year! Like JJ said, the badge shows a Diapsid - a group of particular kinds of reptiles - in this case an alligator:

The Diapsid group includes a lot of famous reptilian types, extant and extinct: including crocodiles, lizards, and snakes; dinosaurs, pterosaurs, and plesiosaurs. (Oh My!)

The Regator list of geoblogs is currently at 20, up from the 18 that Andrew noted a week ago.


Anonymous said...

Wow. Reg is a diapsid. I learn something new every day. Thanks!

And yes, we're always adding blogs, so if I've overlooked a geoblog that you feel is worthy, feel free to send it my way for review (kimberly [at] regator [dot] com). I'd be happy to take a look to see if it could be added.

Silver Fox said...

Thanks, Kimberly - there are so many geoblogs now, that it's hard to keep up with them!

Btw, it was JJ at The Ethical Palaeontologist who pointed out the Diapsid connection - other wise I would have just thought, cute alligator!