Having just gotten back from a relatively short afternoon hike, I thought I'd post a few pictures, just to let you know that we have gone back to fairly usual fall weather. Cooler temperatures are still the norm, but we've had several days of sunny skies, warm afternoons, and off-and-on winds.

Clouds moved in with the winds late this afternoon, making things seem just slightly chillier, but not much. As you can see, most of the snow is off all but the highest, north-facing peaks. Compare this photo to one taken
last week.

Compare this photo, with all leaves on the high-mountain aspens gone, to
this one taken
about two weeks ago. It's definitely fall.
I'll be traveling part of this week - on my way to the Annual GSA Meeting in Portland - then will be at the meeting, then traveling back. I have a couple posts already scheduled, but otherwise am not sure how posting will go. I'll try to get in a couple posts from the meeting - but having never posted from a meeting before, I'm not sure how that will go. We'll see.
Nice to see the snow isn't staying yet. Our Apen have also lost most of their leaves. Have a great time at the GSA meeting.
Hey - enjoy GSA. It looks like a good program this year.
Thanks! I guess neither of you is going to GSA. It does look like a good one.
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