I got back from the Portland GSA meeting yesterday, arriving beneath partly cloudy skies with scattered wave clouds like the ones above. I'm not sure I feel like I'm back, however - I have a huge number of things to do, including possibly driving back across the state again because of miscellaneous appointments. As far as blogging goes, in the next several days I'll be getting around to a few more travel and meeting highlights - from both before and after the meeting - but these updates may come along gradually as I try to settle in to some kind of post-travel schedule, while also working on laundry and other mundane things. I also want to review contacts I made at the meeting, update my resume more completely, and plan a bit for the next meeting - Northwest Mining in Reno in December.
Welcome home. Sounds like you need a vacation. Always much to do after being gone for a while. Look forward to more GSA.
Yes, I usually need a vacation after a vacation!
A quick update: I am not traveling back across the state twice in two days, but am staying here to get some things done and wait for packages that are supposed to come. MOH is the one that is doing the traveling today and tomorrow - through a bit of snow.
what a very cool cloud formation!!!!
PD, I love wave clouds! (Fortunately for me, we have them often here, downwind of the Sierra Nevada.)
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