has a post up that points to the
Census dotmap, by
@ewedistrict and
@kieran, which shows individuals counted in the U.S. 2010 Census as dots. I am located (if I was counted) somewhere on the northwest edge of the largest cluster below:
Maximum zoom doesn't allow me to identify the place MOH and I lived (and our collective two dots), and I can barely separate the street we lived on from other streets.
Google Maps map view of the same area. |
The dot map now offers a Google Map street map that perfectly overlays the dot map. When I found my area, the street map view wasn't available, and I spent a bit of time looking around a larger, more prominent eastern Nevada city.
Google Maps satellite view. |
I concocted this view of the same area by generating a satellite view in Google Maps (
link). Creating a precisely scaled (or even approximately scaled) embedded version of the Google Maps satellite view was taking too long, so I just made a screen shot and cropped until the satellite or air-photo view matched the dot and street map versions fairly well.
I cropped all three screen shots so they imprecisely match one another. I ended up cropping off the scale bar on the satellite view. The Census dotmap does not offer a scale bar.
More recently, I've been hiking in an undotted rectangle in the southeast corner of this dot map:
Census dot map with hiking area marked by magenta rectangle. |
The dots shown inside the magenta rectangle lead me to believe that at least a few locations of counted people are off somewhat, unless the 2010 Census in AK included moose, bears, red foxes, and wolves.