I apparently haven't participated in the Year of Travel Meme
since 2010, possibly because I traveled back and forth across the same old roads in 2011, 2012, and 2013 -- or possibly I was just too busy at the holiday time of year to get that kind of blog post together. This year, Evelyn Mervine got her
Year of Travel 2013 post up right at the end of the year; I'm getting mine up before the end of January, 2014. What follows is a brief summary.
January: Returned from a trip to Alaska.
Spruce on snow. |
February: Visited Unionville, NV, in scenic Buena Vista Valley, stopping to take a photo of a cabin that purportedly once belonged to Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain).
Old cabin. |
March: Visited Leach Hot Spring in Grass Valley, NV, and Kyle Hot Spring in Buena Vista Valley.
Leach Hot Springs. |
At Kyle Hot Spring, looking across Buena Vista Valley toward Unionville. |
April: Drove within sight of Wheeler Peak in eastern NV.
Wheeler Peak seen from Highway 50. |
May: Drove by and contemplated the badlands near Rye Patch Dam several times.
Looking west from I-80 just south of Rye Patch Dam. |
June: Drove several parts of old Highway 40 in Nevada, including this one near Humboldt House:
Old 40 looking northeast between Humboldt House and Imlay. |
July: Crossed the Humboldt River, drove on the Applegate Trail past Haystack Butte, and visited Sulphur, NV, host to large piles of sulfur and scattered old junk.
Sulfur at Sulphur. |
August: August was the month in which MOH and I rapidly toured parts of five western states. I blogged
about the trip a little, but not as much as I hoped. Besides places already mentioned, we stopped briefly at the North Rim.
Distant view of the San Francisco volcanic field from the North Rim,
with the cherty Kaibab Limestone in the foreground. |
After so much travel in August, I apparently didn't go anywhere until the last day of October.
November: Family matters took me to Alaska, where I took very few non-family-related photos.
Mt. Susitna. A little more about the "Sleeping Lady," as she is often called here,
and a bit about the Sleeping Lady brewpub here. |
December: Another trip to points north.
Mt. St. Helens, Spirit Lake, and the Toutle River. |
It is, perhaps, a little too late for this post to be considered part of a 2013 travel meme, but if you haven't posted a travel compilation for the year yet, feel free to take my cue and give yourself til the end of January!
Nice! Some beautiful pictures here :).
Thanks for providing the reminder and inspiration!
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