My first experience with the monsoon in eastern Nevada was in June, 1978. It didn't start before the middle of the month or so, it didn't rain everyday, and the thunderstorms were huge and, if not overhead, could be seen somewhere within 50 miles of our camp east of Pioche. The thunderstorms and clouds, this month and last, have been everywhere.
The photo was taken on April 23rd at 11:00 am, at Cave Lake, Nevada.
There does appear to be a relationship between ENSO and monsoon season, but I've not read much about it. If/when I get some time, I certainly plan on it. Thanks for bringing it up on Twitter.
If you find something interesting, maybe you could leave a link here - or DM me. [I might be out of range for a couple days, hard to tell.] The weather kind of reminds me of 1982, but I really don't remember what that summer was like, other than it was mostly clear and hot, mostly minor rain in afternoons, but one t-storm-caused flood of a side canyon, when we rafted the Grand Canyon in early August ('82).
Nice clouds!
Very rainy clouds, it turned out, HGG!
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