This is just a quick follow-up to the
time warp post, which included a photo showing part of the Teton Range barely rising over the horizon south of Yellowstone Lake.

The photo shows the Grand Teton (left), Mt. Moran (center), and Eagles Rest Peak (right), looking southward across Jackson Lake. I took this photo on a long-ago visit to Yellowstone National Park and
Grand Teton National Park about twenty years ago in early-mid June of 1990.
It was almost two years after the
Yellowstone fire of 1988 (cached page,
current page not working as I write this; also see Wikipedia:
Yellowstone fires of 1988). We planned to come back the next summer, in 1991, and stay at
Jenny Lake Lodge, although we never did.

That's me, in the middle of a hike up
Cascade Canyon. The peak is Mt. Owen. I have very few pictures and zero slides from our Yellowstone - Grand Teton expedition, so these will have to suffice.
Who needs slides when the images are all in your head anyway? I notice often these days that I see too much of my life through the lens and not taking time to enjoy...
The funny thing is, though, I go back to places I used to go just so I can take pictures of them, supposedly so I can use them in my posts and in the stories I write about those days.
Good Golly! Has it been almost 20 years since 1990? I guess so. I had just moved to SoCal, and was starting to take the geology classes at my local community college. (Talk about some amazing field trips...)
I would love to repeat some of my trips, also, to have photos that I could post and write about. I haven't tried scanning some of my slides with my home kit yet. Maybe sometime in he near future...
I love the Tetons - they are one of my favourite national parks. And Jenny Lake is a gem. Grand Teton always seems to suffer/benefit from having the more popular Yellowstone up the road. Very few visitors.
I often think this visit was made in 1989, one year after the fires, so I was thinking it was exactly 20 years when I first posted. It was 1990, however, and I know that because we planned to come back the next year - and couldn't. Everything changed in December, 1990. I have a few other pics, but not many.
Jenny Lake is a very neat, fairly small lake. We stayed at Jackson Lake Lodge while there; Jenny Lake Lodge was booked - kind of just dropped in, didn't have plans or resos.
The wildflowers were stunning that year...
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