January: The famous (or infamous?) International Hotel in Austin, Nevada. This is currently the last recorded visit to this establishment. The beer is okay.

February: Great Basin National Park and environs twice (and at least one trip through central Nevada).

March: Alaska, for the Iditarod and beers (and more than two trips through central Nevada).

April: Middlegate Station, Nevada - a good place to eat, has above average beer, and you can have wi-fi in your room.

May: Titus Canyon - the largest breccia fragments are truck sized.

June: Wheeler Peak in springtime (would you believe late winter?).

July: Back to Wheeler Peak, more than once, where it was looking like spring.

August: I made one short trip and completed most of a second trip to Caliente, Nevada, and environs (and made two trips through central Nevada).

September: Reno - that's Slide Mountain on the left and Mt. Rose on the right.

October: I went to Crater Lake and other points north on the way to the GSA meeting in Portland.

November: I hiked in the southern Egan Range, where I had a great view of Wheeler Peak. Later in the month, I went to Reno for a GSN meeting, but took zero photos. (Drove across central Nevada twice.)

December: I went to Reno for the NWMA convention, where I once again took zero photos. I drove to our lake house and drove back through snow.

My but you do get around.
Maybe because I'm a geologist? :)
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