visited 5 states (2.22%)
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visited 42 states (84%)
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Not too hot on countries; not too bad on states, although many of those I have just passed through on an interstate or a pre-interstate highway. Not sure about Vermont.
States I'm sure I spent more than one day in a row in:
visited 25 states (50%)
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States I know I visited by the time I was five (corrected 10-Jan-09 with the addition of Wyoming):
visited 16 states (32%)
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Go here for music without much video.
Allman Brothers, Ramblin' Man, 1973 - based on a 1951 song of the same name written by Hank Williams - from their Brothers and Sisters album.
looks like your map of states-visited-before-five included a road trip on I70?
Ha ha! That would have been Highway 40, old Highway 40. Way pre-70! ;)
Yes, a round-trip, west to east, then east to west.
cool maps. i went through and clicked where i've been. I have got to get out to the left coast.
Way out here we call that the WEST Coast!
Also, old trip was partly on old Highway 50 and some other routes due to winter-springtime Rocky Mountain road closures.
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