I've shown the original photo again, below, with major geologic units and contacts added to the duplicate photo below that. It turns out that the central portion of the area, which is the somewhat bowl-shaped Richardson Ampitheater, is underlain by the dark red Permian Cutler Formation, and that red and red-orange Triassic to Jurassic formations make up most of the rest of the picture back to about where I've drawn the Dakota Sandstone, which is Cretaceous.

For precise geologic details, please see the three geologic quadrangle maps of the area, the Fisher Towers quadrangle, the Big Bend quadrangle, and the Dewey quadrangle, also referenced below. Other nearby geologic maps can be found here. I noticed geologic explanations and descriptions of map units (map legends) only on the second and third of the above quadrangles. Another, smaller-scale map, covers the entire area, the geologic map of the Moab and eastern part of the San Rafael Desert 30' x 60' quadrangles. To follow along with the general stratigraphy of the area, see the strat column below for nearby Arches National Park.

Arches National Park Stratigraphy from the USGS.
If you go to the original strat column page linked to above, you can click on any formation to find out more - possibly more info than you ever wanted to know - with lots of references and some nice photos! Also check out the ongoing series on the Colorado Plateau at Geotripper. And hey, now for some photos! Above you can see the famous Fisher Towers, with the semi-frozen Colorado River in the foreground and the La Sal Mountains in the background. The photo was taken from Route 128 looking almost directly south, before getting into Professor Valley and the Richardson Ampitheater. For another excellent and similar view of the towers - without snow - see this post at Geotripper, which also describes the Moenkopi Formation.
Fisher Towers is an awesome place, in my opinion, located on the east side of the Richardson Ampitheater. The towers are capped by the lower part of the Triassic Moenkopi Formation above the Permian Cutler Formation, which forms almost everything you see in the above photo, from the Moenkopi cap down. This view of the towers was taken from the red-dirt access road to Fisher Towers, looking more-or-less to the east.
From the towers, you can look all around the area, with the cliffs and towers behind you, and a grand 180-degree plus view in every other direction.

Also, as mentioned in earlier comments, Jon Bon Jovi shot a video from the central Wingate mesa seen in the previous photo (and from Castle Rock?). The video is for his song Blaze of Glory. Castle Rock, the Priest and Nuns, and Fisher Towers can occasionally be seen in the video, along with other panoramas of the area.
Some References:
Doelling, H. H., 1996, Geologic map of the Dewey quadrangle, Grand County: Utah Geological Survey, M-169, scale 1:24,000.
Doelling, H. H., and Ross, M. L., 1998, Geologic map of the Big Bend quadrangle, Grand County, Utah: Utah Geological Survey, M-171, scale 1:24,000.
Doelling, H. H., 2001, Geologic map of the Moab and eastern part of the San Rafael Desert 30' x 60' quadrangles, Grand and Emery Counties, Utah, and Mesa County, Colorado: Utah Geological Survey M-180, scale 1:100,000.
Doelling, H. H., 2002, Geologic map of the Fisher Towers quadrangle, Grand County, Utah: Utah Geological Survey, M-183, scale 1:24,000.
This post, and others, were submitted to the first Carnival of the Arid at Coyote Crossing.
I've visited many of the Colorado Plateau national parks, but spent little time just puttering around in the area, visiting the non-famous areas. Guess I'm missing out... that's stunning! Thanks!
great post ... such a beautiful area ... nice touch w/ the Bon Jovi video too.
Well, that just figures...I've driven through there and even blogged about, but couldn't recognize it from the air. I kept trying to make it a place downstream of Moab, not upstream. Good contest!
Geotripper, did you blog about it? I should link to your post - did I miss that one? Actually, David identified it rather rapidly, but I though you might!
Lockwood and Brian, it's a great area - one of my favorites - a great place to camp and spend some time, although usually I just pass through.
I *will* link to your Fisher Tower post - I didn't miss it, I just forgot and lost it! Egads!
Gee, I should have recognized the Chinle considering how much of it I brought home, in my socks, from field camp (mostly in NM). I like these 'Where in the West' posts.
Don't they do car ads on these things? Could you set up a cabin on one of them and declare your own country?
Howard, how did you know? Here's a link to all/most things filmed in the Moab area including on Chevy, Miller Lite, and Exxon on Castle Rock.
I don't know about making your own country up there. You'd probably have to import most things, and the only thing to export would be red sand, which would make the country get smaller and smaller...
Marciepooh, neat that you went to field camp near there. How *could* you forget the Chinle?! It does look a little different from place to place, though.
Sorry, Harold, for typing your name wrong!
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