Bowman Creek in fall is overhung with branches with and without leaves, and although I remember willows, the trees look more like aspen or maybe water birch - if it grows in Nevada.

Some of the pools are almost hidden. Limbs of trees, branches, and sometimes whole trees, have fallen across the pools. Thorny, leafless rose bushes and brambles prevent easy access in places, as do sage bushes higher than my head, sage bushes higher than I remember.

In places, the pathways to the creek open up; yellow and golden leaves are everywhere, falling from overhead branches and floating in patches on the swift current.
It's always fall and early winter for me there on Bowman Creek - the last field camp of four that long ago summer. The creek flows on...
It's always fall and early winter for me there on Bowman Creek - the last field camp of four that long ago summer. The creek flows on...
I don't know exactly why, but I found this very moving. Thank you.
You're welcome.
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