Looking For Detachment: January 2009 Accretionary Wedge is Up!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

January 2009 Accretionary Wedge is Up!

The Accretionary Wedge for January, Pondering the Future of the Earth, is up at Clastic Detritus. Go read it so you know what's in store for the next 1 million plus years!

I'm a little confused about which number this is: either #15 or #16. It looks like it's going down as #15, though I put #16 on my entry, and can't change that now because it's already been linked to. Not a big deal, though - we're talking millions of years; what's a little number like 15 or 16?

The sign in the photo above is at the Rabbit Creek exit, Exit 2, on I-70 in western Colorado, not far from the Colorado-Utah border. The sign points to a 1.5 mile interpretive trail loop, the Trail Through Time, where you can hike to an old dinosaur quarry (that would be a quarry dug for dinos not by dinos!). Stop by when you get a chance! I was in a hurry to get to Fisher Towers, so passed it by this time.


Anonymous said...

SF ... yeah, there is an issue w/ the numbering ... we have two that never happened, so I wasn't sure to keep the number, but then I messed up by being inconsistent. Whoops!

Silver Fox said...

I think calling this one #15 works out well, and the next one can be #16. Also, #12 on field camp was never published, but there were a couple submissions for it, including mine. So, that just means we skipped #12, and the December one that was to be #15 will end up being #17 in March.

Whew! I think that about covers it!

ReBecca Hunt-Foster said...

The Trail Through goes to the east of the Mygatt-Moore quarry. If you stay on the trail you can see some Diplodocus tail vertebra, some Camarasurus bits and various other in situ fossils. It is really a nice trail. We go out there once a year with the BLM to do improvements and such. It is also a great place to see collard lizards in the summer all over.

Silver Fox said...

ReBecca, thanks for adding some info about the Trail Through Time. I didn't have time to stop (and it was very, very cold!). Next time I drive through, it will be on my list!

ReBecca Hunt-Foster said...

Cool! You should if you ever have the time. It is a nice trail and fin to see things in a nice hard sandstone. Legend has it that like 20 years ago Michael Douglas and a hoard of like minded people were heading to some anit-nuke rally in Washington D.C. and they camped on the other side of the interstate from the trail. In the morning several of the bones were missing.......just saying .....;)