A couple days ago, driving through the same valley, there appeared to be only minimal, if any, water. In fact, all I noticed was a dark brown area where the now-dry lake bed was damp or muddy. No pictures, though. Maybe there was some water way out on the east side of the lake. I'll have to check on this again - I can't find an online water level site for the lake.
Northern Nevada (Reno) is
L.A. should desalinate, thus easing much southern pressure on northern water. I don't know what it would do for Reno, though. Maybe L.A. could sell water north, thereby making a little money for themselves!
Water rights are tangled web, for sure. I think I read somewhere that Las Vegas actually bought LA a desalinization plant, so they could nab more water.
Still, there is a silver lining; lots more modern playa systems to study.
Oh well, there goes the very short-term truce in the water conflict between the states in that area after the Truckee River agreement a month ago.
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