I've been going here and there, and now have to get on with making lists, sending emails, and getting things done - like, can someone fix an intermittent vehicle problem? - so will just post a couple quick pics from the last road trip. The first, near Middlegate; the second, somewhere out near Eureka.
Wonderful pictures! They are making me jealous, wishing I was out and about.
Cobalt blue skies -- they're up above the November London grey, somewhere.
Or so they tell me.
Roads, are the skies gray from clouds and rain? I hope it's not from smog and such.
The blue was from just after the sun went down. I'm lucky it wasn't too dark to photograph!
Crystallizations, thanks, and hopefully you can get out somewhere soon. And, YAY, my truck is getting fixed!!
The age of the Dickensian pea-souper fogs has long gone, Silver Fox, so it's just London clouds and rain, Silver Fox.
And short days, too -- living at the 51st parallel has its darker downsides as we approach the winter solstice.
It's going to be sunny today, until a 4pm sunset.
Kind regards to Nevada.
Middlegate... that's where I'd go south and take the pole line to Tonopah. I heard they took out the jumps. Bummer. Beautiful pics.
GeoBeed, been down that road many times. Hadn't really noticed that it was improved, but the old days are so long ago, maybe I just don't remember right.
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