Photo credit: Alaska AlBack to the destroyed roadcut near Susanville, CA. The original roadcut, seen above in a picture taken by Alaska Al on one of his many travels here and there, inside and outside Alaska, can be viewed presently in Google Street View, but don't count on that lasting.

Here's a composite view of much of the outcrop taken on June 3, 2008.

This composite view, nearly matching the above view, was taken July 29, 2009, not long after the
SanFran geoblogger meetup-tweetup.

As you can see, in this more complete composite view, there isn't nearly as much to see as there was prior to massive digging, dozing, and scraping of the formerly fine roadcut. :(
Somebody really took the fun out of that magnificent roadcut.
Somebody namely CalTrans. Good thing I got some photos!
The horror, the horror!
Yes, it's rather apocalyptic.
The Anthropogene in action
Or Anthropocene, depending on your spelling preference. :)
Seems that one comment dropped off? Or maybe Blogger is messing with me this morning.
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