One year ago today, I was out and about, probably checking on drill rigs. It was early morning, the sky was blue, and stratocumulus clouds scattered themselves across the eastern and northern skies, blocking the rising sun, and making wonderful rays.

Wispy bits of smoke leftover from the early summer fires mixed in with the clouds and added depth to the sky's landscape.

I ran across these photos a few days ago, and was amazed at the blueness of the sky, and also the shaded blues of the distant mountain ranges. This last photo looks northeast across the low hills of the Egan Range, past the somewhat higher Duck Creek Ranges, to the distant, higher peaks of the Schell Creek Range.
This summer, we haven't seen anything like last year's thick smoke, which blanketed the state from
Reno to
eastern Nevada for weeks. We've had a little haze from smoke, but so far it's been minimal.
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