A mini-tree meme is going around the GeoBlogosphere - started here by Geotripper, and followed on with here at Clastic Detritus. I've had a couple posts recently showing some trees, but I don't really have a favorite tree, unless it would be one in those previous posts, a tall aspen tree in our backyard.
I picked the above tree photo, because it was the shadows in the Basin and Range of Nevada that made me realize a long time ago that I loved the place.
UPDATE: More trees are sprouting here and there. Geotripper is keeping track of them - be sure to check them all out.
UPDATE AGAIN: More sprouting going on all over the place, and here, too! Many posts mention some link between trees and geology. And another one!
I knew you'd participate in this ... a tree meme is right up your alley.
Given all the awesome photos you post, you probably have 100s of tree photos.
Well, a few, Nevada's a bit sparse of trees, though. I did have all those Bristlecone's in June or July! :)
I love Nevada trees, they are the most striking because they survive such tough conditions. I love the cottonwoods along the western part of Highway 50 (including the poor unfortunate Shoe Tree). I have a soft spot for all the island forests in the high ranges out there. I've only seen the Wheeler Peak bristlecones once, but they are beautiful. Thanks for the photo!
I thought about posting a picture of the Shoe Tree - but I'm saving it for later. I actually don't stop there anymore - it used to be a good place to stop before it became famous, but has now become kind of trashy. When did it become a shoe tree, do you remember?
I don't really remember; it just seemed to appear. I thought it was cute at first, but now I feel sad for the tree; kind of abusive for a tree surviving in a harsh environment
I just read something today that said it started in the early-mid 1990's. Before that, it was just a beautiful cottonwood tree.
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